Focusing on health prevention & wellness for a better quality of life.
Founded by Instructor Julie-Anne Johnston
Helen's Bay Organic Farm Shop
Belfast Chen Style T'ai Chi School are proud to support local businesses in the community. Julie-Anne visited Helen's Bay Organic last week and was overjoyed by the work that they are doing to support a strong healthy immune system and a natural diet. The local and 100% organic farm shop are experts at growing and promoting local fruit and veg and offer free delivery right to your door, or a click and collect service.
The Farm was established in 1991 by John McCormick, on a beautiful 20-acres site of agricultural land near Belfast Lough. Helen's Bay Organic produce a wide variety of summer and winter fruit & vegetables that are grown in their fields and polytunnels. A top priority for the farm shop is ensuring that all vegetables are organic from the source and as local as possible.
Julie-Anne has no hesitation in recommending the organic farm to promote a healthy nutritional diet for each student's health & well-being.
Helen's Bay Organic
Coastguard Ave, Helen's Bay, Bangor BT19 1JY